
Bonjour à tous, j'ai un oral en Anglais DEMAIN où on doit présenter un évenement de l'été sur n'importe quel thème, cela doit durer 2 minutes et apporter 5 mot de vocabulaire à nos cammarades ! Pouvez-vous juste m'indiquer si mon texte contient des fautes où des icompréhension !

Text :
Hello, everyone !
A few weeks ago, I listened to the BBC and I heard that the longest total lunar eclipse of the twenty-first century was going to happen on July the twenty-seventh two-o-eighteen ! And today I’d like to tell you about this historic event.
We all have heard about this, but did you really know what is a lunar eclipse. It occurs when the moon is opposite the Sun, the earth is in between and casts its shadow on the moon. In fact, the umbra cover all the moon, and this during one hour and forty-three minutes ! The journalist insisted on the fact that it was a total lunar eclipse with an umbral magnitude of 1. During this eclipse, the Moon looked reddish, which is called a Blood Moon. Interestingly, that wonder was only visible in the totality zone in other words in the northern hemisphere ! What is surprising as well is during that night we also saw the ISS, Mars and Jupiter.
Some of the interesting vocabulary about Moon is umbra, total lunar eclipse, umbral magnitude, blood moon, and totality zone
Thank you for having listened attentively.
Do you have any questions ?

Répondre :

It occurs when the moon is opposite to the Sun, the earth is  between and casts a shadow on the moon.: Ce sont les seules fautes que j'ai reperere sinon ton texte est tres bien

A la fin je mettrais plus qui est plus dans le  langage courant  "Thank you for your attention "