
Hello! Pouvez-vous m’aider pour la question 3 svp

Hello Pouvezvous Maider Pour La Question 3 Svp class=

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1- Jessica goes to the cinema every Saturday morning. (répétition). One thing she really hates (vérité permanente) is when people forget to switch off their mobile phone (général)

2- Look at James ! He is checking (action en cours)  his FB account again . I honestly think (sentiment-verbe d'état) he checks  (répétition) it twenty times a day.

3- My mum doesn't want a smartphone because she says people becomes addicted after a while but I don't agree with her. (vérité permanente)

4- This is (verbe d'état) unbelievable ! I am talking to you about something very important and you are still texting a friend ! (action en cours). That's it : I am leaving ! (les actions sont en cours)

5- Are you coming at the party tomorrow or are you staying home  (futur très proche)? Because I am going so I can give you a lift if you like (verbe d'état)

bonne journée :)

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