
Important pour lundi bonsoir tout le monde pouvez vous m’aidez je dois faire une rédaction sur le phénomène paranormal au prétérit avec au moins 250 mot pouvez vous m’aider à chercher une idee originale car je ne sais pas quoi faire merci au personne qui m’aideront à chercher des idées

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The paranormal is everything that has been impossible for humans and any living being to understand. It has been an inexplicable phenomenon by anyone. the paranormal phenomenon has involved everything that we do not have could translate, what we could not say, what was not included in the description of nature, what was not part of certain explanations even of the scientific point of life. were mystery things that happened and that we could not translate or define. A hypothetical phenomenon, outside of normality, mysterious, incomprehensible and above all undesired that science has not been able to dare to give the cause of existense, which is on the fringes of the reality that everyone believes and recognizes.