
Bonjour j'ai un dialogue d'anglais que j'ai préparé ,quelqun peut me corriger les fautes de grammaire ou me donner d'autre idée svp, il est note

Merci beaucoup

Hello sir.

Hello,I need to see the responsable ? can you bring him to me ?
someone in charge
Yes of course.

5 minutes later…

Hello, Do you need something ?

Yeah,I was the custumer of your trip in Himalaya
recently purchased one
Oh yes ! Mr Jamy no ?


So what’s The problem ???
what was
The problem is that you never told us that there would be a seisme !
Seriously,how can we predice this ???

That’s not the problem ! When I called the agency, No one was responding ! Did you realize that i had to save and take care of 10 people alone ! I didn’t have formation for this !
wasn’t trained
That was the weekend so nobody was here…

Some people could be dead ! did you realise it ???
do that
I know i know…But it was the weekend…

Are you stupid ? as for me if there is a seism in the countries where one of my trip is i don’t care of the
earthquake in one of the about
weekend !

How are you to tell me what should i do ??? i don’t agree you to tell me this !
dare you tell think you should talk to me like this
I’m the guy that you send in a country were there was a risk of seism and that you didn’t helping. Now listen to
me man,What i want you to do is to repay me for this !
I can’t ! Did you read the contract ?

I don’t care of your contract ! Did it mention the fact of a seism ? I don’t think so ! So give me my Money(back).
about possibility of an earthquake
A contract is a contract !

I already told you ! I don’t care,there was the life of people and you told me about a contract ???? tu essaye de dire quoi?.

This is not of my responsability so i can’t do anything…

Are you stupid ??? How cares about his responsabilities of his jobs when we talk about human life ??? you are
who the we are talking

disgusting me…
Listen,If you want i can get you a meeting with the Director,and you will discuse of this with him ok ?
As you want,but listen,you will have some news of my lawyer

Yeah yeah… as you want…

Répondre :

pourquoi tas mis deux fois hello ? si tu mets i need to see the responsible il n'y a pas de point d'interogation , mais ça serait can i see the responsible ? . le deuxieme paragraphe apres 5 minuets later ... pas compris de que tu voulais dire ."some people could be dead " n'est pas bon , c'est some people could have died.Et apres ce n'est pas did you realise it mais do you realise it ? .le deuxieme paragrphe apres cela n'etait pas ça , c'etait how dare you tell me what to do?i don't agree with you telling me this ! You shouldn't talk to me like this..... that you didn't help ( et non, that you didn't helping). Now listen to the earthquick ( jai pas compris ce que tu voulais dire) . .... i don't care about your contract (pas ,i dont care of your contract ) ... there was the life of peoples (pas, people)... what are you trying  to say ( et non , tu essaye de dire quoi )...( you are who we are taking???? pas compris ) .... you discust me( je pense que cest ça que tu voulais) discust .... you will have some new form my layer .
