
est-ce-que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mes éventuelles erreurs s'il vous plaît.
Merci d'avance

If you had a serious problem would you rather ask your parents or your friends for support? Explain why. (150)

If one day i have a serious problem i think im going To tell that to my family and more precisly my mother because our family are the best for giving us advices our family always want to see us at the best place at the best situation, so our family will give us advices to see us happy and enjoying our life.
our friends aren't the best for giving us advices or something because a lot of times our friends aren't a good friends as we think. Generally our friends are sometimes jealous of us and egoist ( for example jelaous of what we have : a beautiful and happy family and a lot of things...) not all friends are as that of course but the big part.
As a conclusion family are more important as Friends. we Will meet people all time in our life but a family we have only one. The best advices are brought by our mother.

Répondre :

If one day I have a serious problem I think I’m going to tell IT to my family and more PRECISELY to my mother because our family is the best TO giving us advices, to see us happy and enjoying our life.
Our friends aren’t the best to giving us advices or something because a lot of times THEY AREN’T GOOD AS WE THOUGHT. MOST OF THE TIMES THEY ARE jealous of us and egoist
( for example BECAUSE we have a beautiful and happy family and a lots of things..) not all OF OUR FRIENDS ARE LIKE THAT of course but MIST OF THEM. as conclusion family is more important than friends. We will meet A LOT OF PEOPLE in our life but a family we have only one. the best advices are brought by our mother.

Voilà je ne pense pas que c’est parfait mais j’ai fait de mon mieux et j’espère que ça t’aidera !
( ce que j’ai changé est en majuscule)