
Bonsoir, j'ai besoin d'aide pour mon expression orale d'anglais et assez vite s'il vous plaît :

Si on te demandait de t'investir dans une association caritative, quel genre d'association choisirais-tu ? Pourquoi ? Donne trois raisons pour lesquelles tu choisirais cette association.

Merci d'avance.

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I'll give you some ideas and if you need more help, i'll be there.

So at first, you have to choose "une association caritative". You also have to now that "association caritative" isn't used anymore; we say "association d'utilité publique" (source : wikipédia).

Okay, so:

-1 : " quel genre d'association choisirais-tu ? " --> depends on what you want. For exepmle, let's say that you choose an association like "LA FONDATION ABBÉ PIERRE" or "LES RESTAU DU COEUR" .They both help the poor, the first one help them to find a roof, and the second one gives them food.

You now have the the sort of the association.

-2: " Pourquoi ? " and "Donne trois raisons pour lesquelles tu choisirais cette association." --> Easy !

You can say that you can't stand that some people can't sleep in a proper place and can't eat decent food. Plus, you can say that it's a unique experience and you can learn a lot from it.

Find a last reason yourself :)

Hope i helped you.