
Bonjour à tous !
J'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un avez le temps de me corriger ce petit texte en anglais s'il vous plaît.
Merci d'avance ! ^^

For continue to compare french system to others. I know others countries where the tuition on the university are not the same and you have to pay each semester until the end of your studies.
So if your family have a meagre pay it's very difficult.. For example to have a student loan it's almost impossible in others countries. There aren't social scholarship who are awarded on the basis of family income and outgoings and, in some cases, students' incomes like as France
or the erasmus scholarship awarded to foreign students who come in France to continue their academic background.

Répondre :


Voici ci-dessous la correction de ton petit texte en Anglais ^^

To continue to compare the French system to others. I know of other countries where tuition fees at university are not the same and where you have to pay every semester until you finish your studies.

So, if your family has a meager salary, it's very difficult. For example, having a student loan is almost impossible in other countries. There are no scholarships for social studies awarded on the basis of family income and expenditure and, in some cases, student income, as in France.

or the Erasmus scholarship granted to foreign students coming to France to continue their studies.

Bonne continuation :)