
Bonjour tout le monde,
Je suis en train de faire mes notions en langues pour le bac.
Voici celle sur "espaces et échanges" en anglais. j'aimerais avoir votre avis et une correction si possible.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

The notion of Spaces and Exchanges deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies.
Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces.
The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterized our modern-day world.
Why do so many students go abroad?
First of all, I’m going to speak about two forms of exchange that exists in the world. Secondly, I will talk to you about the advantages of this exchange.

More and more young people want to go abroad to study but also to discover the world, other cultures and meet new people. Thus, some of these young people decide between secondary school and university to go to a foreign country and make a Gap-Year.
They will take advantage this year to travel and get a professional experience.
But the gap year requires money to pay for the trip, housing and many other things.
That’s why they prefer couchsurfing. In school class, we have studied an article which entitled “Take the couch”. He was published in the Boston Globe eleven years ago. This article presents us the aim of this new form of travelling and how it was created.
Indeed, couchsurfing is a website that has existed in different form for just over 10 years. The website provides a platform for members to “surf” on couches by staying as a guest at a host’s home and then to host other travelers. He continues to evolve.
We learned in the article that this form of travelling was created on a misunderstanding. Indeed, Casey Fenton sent an e-mail to request accommodation to 1500 Icelanders through the University of Iceland student instead of booking a hotel. Finally, this weekend was the best experience and he decide to create the couchsurfing website for others o take advantage of it.

Now, I’d like to discuss about the advantages of this exchange.
As we have seen, the gap year and couchsurfing are two examples of trips that students love.
Indeed, according to the video we watched during the year, this trip allows them at first to discover a new country and therefore a new culture. Thanks to this experience, they enrich their culture but not only.
But that's not all because this experience can be valued by a future employer since being in contact with another environment of life these young people could develop their vision of the world.
This brings a lot both professionally and personally because during this year they have been able to improve their level in languages. Indeed, by being in total immersion in a country you are delivered to yourself and must fend for yourself, so it is necessary for you to communicate even if initially you did not have a good level. It is also an opportunity to create friendly ties with people from all over the world.
Moreover, with the couchsurfing system you do not have to pay for your accommodation. So you can travel without spending too much.

To conclude, I think that so many students go abroad to improve her languages and get an new experience in her life.
Personally, I would like to go abroad for doing this kind of travel. I suppose that can bring me a new vision of life and mostly that I can meet some new people with this. I think that this last point is the most important for me because I’d love to meet people from others culture.

Répondre :

Réponse :

Je trouve que c'est un très bon travail !!

Explications :

Voici quelques conseils, ne prends pas tout à la lettre je peux peut-être me tromper ;)

- Personnellement mes professeurs m'avaient dit de ne pas dire de choses du genre : "In class, we have studied" mais de plutôt dire "For example, in an article that I've studied wich entitled..."

- Juste après ta conclusion, je ne sais pas si tu ne devrais pas mettre la phrase au pluriel, c'est-à-dire mettre un S à exchange et donc un peu plus loin remplacer par " the advantages of these exchanges"

- Tu as oublié un D à "Finally... he decides to create" et un T à "for others TO take advantage of it"

- A la fin, dans ta conclusion, sauf erreur de ma part ce serait plutôt "their languages" au lieu de "her" et "their lives" au lieu de "her life" parce que tu parles de "so many students".

- Dans ce même paragraphe tu as écris "an new experience" au lieu de "a new experience".

- Dans ta dernière phrase c'est "other cultures" et non pas "others culture".

- J'aurais mis "For me, I think that this last point..." car le "for me" me semble un peu au milieu.

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