
Bonjour/ Bonsoir !

Je suis en terminal s et j'ai besoin de votre aide. je voudrai que quelqu'un corrige mes fautes de syntaxe et de grammaire c'est pour ma synthèse d'orale en Anglais pour le bac, merci à ceux qui répondront.
je l'ai envoyé sous forme Word ci-dessous .

Bonjour Bonsoir Je Suis En Terminal S Et Jai Besoin De Votre Aide Je Voudrai Que Quelquun Corrige Mes Fautes De Syntaxe Et De Grammaire Cest Pour Ma Synthèse Do class=

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Réponse :

I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges .

First of all, I'm going to define this notion. An exchange is the idea of giving and receiving something ELSE "Exchange ideas, people for EXAMPLE IMMIGRATION…", and the space is where these exchanges happen. So this notion concerns the different FORMS of place that all society occupy and the interaction between them.

It effects The new technologies that changed the way people communicate and interact. It has also change our relation to space as today nothing seems impossible.

We may wonder if the new technologies bring people closer together or do they drive them apart?

First I would like to show that the new media has changed the way everyone communicates, then new means of communication have turned the world into a global village and finally that social networks are also driving people apart.

Part 1 :  To begin we can say that the development of the internet is probability the biggest revolution of the 20t century. The extract of the T.V show "HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER " illustrated this evolution. In The scene the narrator is comparing two periods 2005 and 2011. The first in 2005, the characters are quite excited, they are having a discussion a lively debate whereas in the second scene in 2011 they are hooked to their mobile phone. Smartphones have changed the way we communicate. The narrator “OLD TED” show that the new media and internet threaten our face to face interaction. However the positive aspect of the mobile phones is that you find information quickly and internet has everyone's wall of information, nothing is a mystery today.

Part 2 :  That is why the new means of communication have turned the world into a global village. Social networks and the internet enriched our life and they enable us keep in touch with people who are far away from us.This is why the "second life" an 3D was to create a virtual world such as a second life, we can meet new people from everywhere. How ever, with this, education is more accessible  and trade become much easier. In may 2008 TAMMAR lewinnov published an article. In this  article he said that teenagers socializing isn't a bad thing. After this article ,studies showed that new media had positive effect. But for me, we must be aware that communication such as second life may be a threat.

Indeed some people prefer living in this virtual world then facing the real world and this creates a real distance between people.

Part 3 :   So social network and internet are also driving people apart. In china there are 20 million addicted to technologie. The teenagers spend more than six hours online, in 2008 China considers that addiction of technologies is a disease and so was created 250 camps to heal them  "it was said on a video comprehension ".

Prince EA a rapper wants to convince the world to drop their phones. According to him people spend four years of their life looking down at their phones.

Facebook creates many anti social. In this song prince EA pass a message that we need to stop this digital addiction and take control on new technologies.

To conclude spaces and changes are not the same in the world, New means of communication can drive people apart in real world and closer together in other imaginary world. The solution for changing seems to be difficult, but if we become present in the real world, become not consume by digital technologies and experience the world, I think things will change.

Explications :

Voia j'ai corrigé et enlever quelques phrases qui n'était pas très claire j'éspère t'avoir aidée : )