
bonjour aidez moi s'il vous plait
Voici l'un des Sms que j'i envoyé à une amie lors de mes vacances à New York

Today i'm visiting Long Island city by night.I'm seeting many skyscrapers, it's great!I'm doing shopping ,there are some (I love NYC) T-shirt.Do you want one

écrire les sms quevous avez envoyés lors de votre séjour à New York
il faut pas refaire la phrasesavec se qui a écrit dans le texte

merci de votre aidez

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Réponse :

Hi! I'm visiting the big apple today, it's amazing! this morning,I've gone to ground zero, it was so emotional. Tomorrow, we'll go to the statue of liberty, I can't wait being there, see you soon!

Hi! I'm currently eating a hot dog in central park, I 'm thinking of you! Tomorrow, we'll watch a basket match and after, we'll do some shopping on the fifth avenue. There are so many people everywhere, it's amazing!

Explications :