
pouvez-vous m'aidez svp??

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Exercice 1

1. The greenhouse effects is : heat trapped in the earth's atmosphere

2. Climate changing is due to : pollution

3. Deforestation is : the disappearance of rainforests

4. Going green means : caring about the environment

5. The meaning of the three R's is : reuse, recycle, reduce

Exercice 2

1. If people were more respectful of environment, our planet will become a nicer place to live in.

2. If industries reduced CO2, people will feel in better place.

3. If man stopped cutting down trees, we will preserve animal habitats in rainforests.

4. If men hadn't use pesticides, many useful insects would continue to live.

Exercice 3

1. If there were less car pollution, there won't have a hole in the ozone layer.

2. If people didn't kill marine animals, whales will be preserve.

Exercice 4

1. If the level of the oceans hadn't rise, some islands wouldn't disappear.

2. If people recycled their garbage, the planet would be cleaner.

3. If you went green, you would care more about the environment.

Bon courage pour la suite.