
bonjour qui pourrait m aider a traduire ce texte au preterit anglais svp svp

voici le texte : Pendant mes vacances d'été, je suis allé à Miami , pour visiter leur culture. J'y suis resté environ cinq semaines et j'ai passé un très bon moment. Les Miamians étaient très gentils .Il fesait très chaud c était agréable. J'ai aussi essayé la nourriture là-bas, il y avait beaucoup de fast food c était tellement bon . Apres mon sejour a Miami j ai fait une croisiere avec plusieurs escale comme : cocokay , bahamas et keywest . Au bateau il y avait des animations de toutes diversites et des buffets a volontes de nationalites différentes . A la fin de notre sejour il y a eu la soiree du commandant nous avons tous pris une photo avec lui , pour le felicite de ce voyage .Dans l'ensemble, mes vacances ont été trop cool et sympa j’espère en avoir d autre comme celle -ci

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During my summer vacation, I went to Miami to visit their culture. I stayed there for about five weeks and had a great time. The Miamians were very nice. It was very hot c was nice. I also tried the food there, there was a lot of fast food c was so good. After my stay in Miami I made a cruise with several stopovers like: cocokay, bahamas and keywest . At the boat there were animations of all kinds and buffets of different nationalities. At the end of our stay there was the evening of the commander we all took a picture with him, for the felicity of this trip . All in all, my holidays were too cool and nice I hope to have others like this

During the summer holiday, I went to Miami, to see them cultur. I stayed there about five weeks and I spend a very good time. The miamians were very nice. It was very hot and that was enjoyable. I tried the food too, there were lots of fast food, it was so good. After my stay in Miami I did a cruise with different stopovers like: cocokay, the Bahamas and keywest. At the boat there were lots of animations very diverse and buffet at will of different nationality. At the end of our stay there were the party of the commendant we all took a photo with him to congratulate him for this trip. Overall my Holliday were so cool and nice, I hope have other one like this.

Voilà j’espère que ça t’auras aider!