Bonjour pourriez vous m’aider . Vous souhaitez soumettre votre roman à une maison d'édition à New York. Choisissez l’une des deux couvertures et préparez une présentation dans laquelle vous expliquerez l’histoire

Réponse :
Well, my novel is about a girl, and she was going to get married with a guy. This guy was usually known in town as the warlock or the wizard, and he hadn't won that nickname because of nothing, he looked like one. Like other warlocks, he had done some weird spells, but nobody knew exactly what he had done. The girl was going to marry him in a wedding that will be celebrated in the night of the 31th of october, most known as halloween. Everything was perfect until a suspicious man warned her that she was marrying somebody that couldn't be trust, then things started to become exiting, like a bride that becomes all white and only has until midnight to become human again, and marry the man of her dreams
Explications :
J'espere que le texte n'est pas plein de fautes