
Talk about your dream summer holiday ça doit durer 1 minutes

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Tu dois parler de tes vacance de reves (pardons pour les fautes en francais) mais tu dois formuler tes vacance de reves en anglais. (regarde les explication)

Explications :

Example : The summer I'm dreaming about is a summer where I spend all my days on the beach.

Ici par exemple j'ai dis que les vacance de reves pour moi c'est des vacance de reves a la plage. Pour faire durer un texte en anglais 1 minute tu dois formuler les choses que tu voudrait le plus dans tes vacances.

The summer I'm dreaming about is a summer where I spend all my days on the beach, from the sunrise when I get in the water and the sunshine when I get out of the water. I'd also dream about an ice cream maker machine that'd be on the sand, for fifty cents you'd get a vanilla ice cream. In the summer of my dreams I'd also want all my friends to be here, so I can have fun with them and we could talk all day and all night, from 12 pm to 3 am. I would be sleeping in a luxury hotel, I'd be a 5 star hotel with a spa room and tons of other activities I could do other than going on the beach. Finally, the last detail that will complete the summer of my dreams would be having the biggest suit of the hotel I'm staying at, I'd be so big I would lose myself in it.

That's the summer of my dreams.