
Bonsoir j'ai un oral en anglais que je dois présenter sur le monde technologique et je voudrais savoir si c'est bien
Ford has created a device(Named Feel the view)that transcribes a 
landscape as a tactile feedback so that blind people can feel it.
Ford founded in 1903 by Henri Ford is an 
American car manufacturer
The operation is very simple
It's attached to a window pane.
The camera of "Feel the view" photographs the landscape.
These photos are then transformed into high-contrast monochrome images.
The image is converted into vibration(Each shade of grey is translated into a vibration of different intensity on the car window, allowing the visually impaired or blind person to touch the landscape and imagine it mentally.)
An artificial intelligence, included in the device, can also describe the scene vocally.
For me there are several advantages to this creation
 This allows "a new vision" for the blind 
This can help improving the education of 
visually impaired or blind people in schools 
and institutions.
But even if the price has not been announced for me this creation must be very expensive
But Ford is not the only brand that helps the blind
Between the glasses that read aloud and the tablets that convert texts into Braille (the language of the blind), the world of technology is gradually opening up to the world of the blind
I chose this theme because the world of the blind is something very fascinating
En vous remerciant de vos réponses ​

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Réponse :

*Henry ford

*The "feel the view" camera

*converted into a  vibration

*In my opinion there are several advantages

*this can help improve

*Even though the price hasn't been announced yet, I think it'll probably be quite expensive

*From glasses that ........

*and     tablets that ...

*text into Braille

*something very fascinating to me

Explications :

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