Réponse : Bonjour/Bonsoir !
Camp Counselor [Paragraph 5]
1 ) Tu as bon
2 ) Prep = Prepare (préparer quelque chose)
3 ) Tu as bon
4 ) Talking with people for pleasure : Je n'ai pas compris ce que tu as écris, excuse-moi. { Réponse : Socializing }
In the open air : Tu as bon
ill and hurt : Tu as bon
Office Intern [Paragraph 6]
Stagiaire : Tu as bon
Centre commercial : Tu as bon
Stage : Tu as bon
Travailler dur : Tu as bon
Non rémunéré : Tu as bon
Travail ingrat : Tu as bon
Movie Theater Employee [Paragraph 7]
Cinéaste en herbe : Tu as bon
Film : Tu as bon aux deux
Cinéphiles : Tu as bon, tu as simplement oublier un f à "buffs"
Traîner avec : Tu as bon
Popcorn à volonté : Tu as bon
Employé de cinéma : Tu as bon
Gagner le smic : Tu as bon
Liberté / Temps pour se reposer : Tu as bon
Etsy Seiller [Paragraph 8]
1 ) et 2 ) Tu as entouré les bonnes réponses
Homemade : Tu as bon
Jewelry : Tu as bon
Greeting cards : Tu as bon
Knitwear : Tu as bon
Proposer d'autres choses à vendre : Tu as bon
Will set you back 20 cents : Tu as bon
Park Employee [Paragraph 9]
1 ) Tu as bon
2 ) Tu as bon
Volunteer [Paragraph 9]
1 ) Tu as bon
2 ) Tu as bon
3 )
Disponible : Tu as bon
Inscriptions : Tu as bon
Ajout : Tu as bon
Pour conclure : Tu as bon
Outre : Ce n'est pas Behides mais Besides
Bon couraaage