
Bonjour, quelqu'un pourrait-il me corriger mes fautes svp ? merci d'avance:

This document is a cartoon created by Joe Heller, cartoonist for the "Green Bay Press Gazette" in 2010. He is named “An Alien”. This cartoon shows the Statue of Liberty in a car, it looks distraught, sad. The car is stopped by an Arizona sheriff who tells him: “I can tell by the color of your skin you’re not from round here, are you?”

The Statue of Liberty represents immigration, in a country of immigration, the United States, which is his country. But even in her country she is no longer recognized. This cartoon illustrates a real contradiction since the United States is a country born through immigration but that the migrants are no longer accepted. Indeed, the ancestors of white Americans are mostly English, but also black and South American slaves.
This cartoon shows that the country and the mentality of its people have changed.

I think this situation is unfair because we do not choose the situation in which we live; therefore it seems normal to me that migrants have the right to a chance to show their qualities. Indeed, their expectations are quickly shattered because the "American dream" is not what it seems to be. They have to face a complicated reality between racism, discrimination and stigma.
In my opinion, there are many difficulties in emigrating. Indeed, many actions have been undertaken to arrest migrants like walls, militia or cameras for example. However, migrants may have opportunities of social mobility, if they manage to integrate well.

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This document is a cartoon created by Joe Heller, cartoonist for the Green Bay Press Gazette in 2010. It is named "An Alien." This cartoon shows the Statue of Liberty in a car, it looks distraught, sad. The car is stopped by an Arizona sheriff who tells him, "I can tell by the color of your skin that you're not from here, right?"

The Statue of Liberty represents immigration, in a country of immigration, the United States, which is its country. But even in her country, she is no longer recognized. This cartoon illustrates a real contradiction since the United States is a country born by immigration but migrants are no longer accepted. Indeed, the ancestors of white Americans are mostly English, but also black and South American slaves.  

This cartoon shows that the country and the mentality of its people have changed.

I think this situation is unfair because we do not choose the situation we live in; it therefore seems to me normal that migrants should have a chance to show their qualities. Indeed, their expectations are quickly shattered because the "American dream" is not what it seems to be. They face a complicated reality between racism, discrimination and stigma.  

In my opinion, there are a lot of difficulties in emigrating. Indeed, many actions have been taken to arrest migrants such as walls, militias or cameras for example. However, migrants may have opportunities for social mobility if they manage to integrate well.