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Rita, your parents moved from Kosovo to London in order to give you
and your siblings' a better life. What does your home country mean
1. Give basic information about Rita
(birthplace, where she lives, when
she moved).
2. Say why her parents decided
to immigrate.
3. Find two reasons why adapting
to a new country was difficult
for Rita's parents.
4. Find what big decision Rita made.
5. Explain how Rita's parents
reacted to her big decision.
6. Say how Rita's feelings have
to you today?
I feel very close to it, even though I left Kosovo so early in my life.
s I don't want people to think that I've abandoned where I'm from. I
am actually working with UNICEF in order give back for all the love
and support I have received from the people there. But I also really
admire my mom and dad's brave decision to move.
As a child, were you able to understand what your parents had done
10 for you?
They didn't even speak English and it was a big adjustment, but at
the time I just didn't realise how bad it was. The older I got the more
I saw what they sacrificed most - their families. It was a pretty dark
moment, but my mom and dad always made the best out of a bad
15 situation so they figured it out.
Since your parents gave up their lives to give their kids a better one,
how did they react when you told them that you were going to quit
school and pursue an uncertain career in music?
I think they were pretty scared when I told them I was going to leave
20 school and see if I can do this. Because honestly - I knew it in my
gut? - I couldn't do anything else.
the-talks.com, 2014
1. brothers and sisters
2. au fond de moi​

Répondre :


1. Rita was born in Kosovo, she lived in Kosovo and after she moved to London, she moved at some point early in her life.

2. Her parents has decided to immigrate to the UK to give their children a better life and theirs also.

3. The reason for difficult adaptation to the country for rita's parents is that they don't speak English and another reason is that they need to find a house to buy, finding a new job, finding a new school for children which can't be done in the same time.

4. the big decision Rita has made is that she sacrificed her home country to move to a new country and she decided to quit school.

5. Rita's parents about their daughter's decision is that they got scared that rita wanted to quit school to pursue a musical career.

6. Rita's feelings have evolved from neutral to good feeling.