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Dear dad, 
I was very impressed when I arrived to New York. It’s wonderful. 
The trip lasted 2 weeks. It was uncomfortable because we travelled in the steerage and there were some bad storms. We slept in bunk beds. The food was horrible. I was sea sick. 
When I arrived and saw the Statue of Liberty, I felt a rush of joy because, as you know, it was the symbol of a new start. Everyone was happy. 
I have to speak to you about my new life and about what happened at Ellis-Island. Mom, like the other immigrants, had to answer many questions coming from officers as well as to pass a medical examination to be allowed to enter the country. As for me, the doctor examined me and he discovered I had a cold. He thus said to me that I couldn't leave with my mother. At that moment there, I cried and begged because I was terrified to be all alone in this strange place. When I felt better, I was allowed to enter America. On the whole, I felt sad to stay on Ellis Island.
During the first weeks I sought a few rooms where I can sing. I will earn money to become a famous singer. We looked for a place to sleep and found a nice little flat. The food is not the same as in Poland but it's good. Mother works now at the beauty shop. 
II will become worldly famous and I will be able to make you come to New York in spite of the restrictions.
I miss you. I love you. 

Répondre :

j'ai essayé de mettre en commentaire mais c'est trop long. Je vais ré-écrire là où je pense que ça coince.
It was wwonderful.......We travelled in the steerage ????je ne sais pas ce que tu as voulu dire "storage = entrepot, steerage (faut le trouver, c'est même pas ds mon dico) = entrepont sur les sites de traduc (??) cale = hold. Dans le doute, je mettrai "in very bad conditions"......
I have to tell you pas I have to speak to you et tu laisses au présent puisque tu lui écrit.. 
He thus told me I had to stay for a while and couldn't leave (go) with my mother (tu n'es pas obligée de le rajouter mais je trouve que ça explique mieux...à toi de voir)
I sought some places where I could sing. I would earn enough money and would become a famous singer.
Mother works now in a beauty shop
When I am a worldwide famous singer, I will manage to make you come to N.Y with us ......(attention, check pour le futur , mais on ne mets pas comme en français les 2 parties au futur , mais j'ai un doute : when I am  et I will manage  ou when I will be , I manage...mais je ne crois pas m'être trompé. On met normalement au futur ce dont on est sûr)

Voilà. En espérant ne pas te voler de ponts pour rien....ce n'est pas les points le but .....
Bonne journée