
Oral /Idea of progress

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I would like to talk about the notion : “idea of progress”.
The idea of progress means an evolution in the world through technologies, medicinal practices and social life. The notion of progress is a modern idea which opposes the stability that prevailed in the past. Everyone aspires to progress, especially countries. A modern country is a sign of power and can always improve on the contrary to a country that remain in the past. The progress is the sign of openness to the world. However, many countries can't escape to traditions. India is the good example because it's a country that is caught between tradition and modernity.

As many southern countries, India is experiencing a huge population growth. In 2025, India will become the first most densely populated country.
We can see that with an extract from The Painter of Signs written by R.K Narayan and published in 1976. It is the story about Raman who is falling love with Daisy who decides to make a family planning and so she will visit villages to regulate births. So in the extract, she meets a teacher and she asks him many question on the increase of the village population while Raman observes the scene and listens them.
At the beginning, the young woman explains that the population has increased by 20 per cent whereas the food production has only increased by 3 per cent. In addition, the number of houses has remained exactly the same. She explains to the teacher who has now four children that the total population of India every year increases by 14 million people, which correspond to the population of Peru. Through her, the author insists on the problem of overpopulation in India which provokes famine and poverty. The only solution is to convince people that they would live in better conditions if they had fewer children. Consequently, the solution is birth control but it is difficult to convince people and we can see that in the text with the teacher who believes there is not need to reduce the number of birth because, for him, India is a large country with a lot of undeveloped areas. Through this teacher, and Raman too because he thinks if the villagers like to live crowed it's their business, we discover that people don't want to forget their habits and traditions.
And because there are too much birth, Indians families prefer having a son than a daughter. First, a boy keeps the family name whereas a girl musts belong to the family of her husband. In addition, a boy works in the field whereas a girl is supposed to stay at home and do the chores. Finally, family not to pay a dowry if it's a boy. However, this can create a problem for the people later because parents want to know the sex of the child with his birth and abortions if it's a girl. Then, it is contrary on porgress because there isn't equality between man and woman.
We can see this injustice with an extract from Secret daughter written by Shilpi Somaya Gowda and published in 2010.
This extract tells the birth of a baby who isn't wanted since her mother cries, seeing that it's a girl and her father hope it is a boy because he calls the baby “my little prince”. When he knows that the baby is a girl, he is extremely disappointed and start shouting at Kavita, his wife. He accuses her of being unable to give birth to boys, of being responsible for the birth of a girl. Then, he explains her that they need a boy to help them in the field, that they can have a girl because they would not be able to pay for the dowry. But Kavita refuses to let him take her baby. She defies his auority and refuses to obey him. She is determined to keep her baby, even if it means putting her life in danger. Finally, she cans to keep her baby for a night.
Through her, the author wants to show that Indian women can rebel and stand for their rights. The author denounces a society in which women are scapegoats. She denounces the problem of the dowry which explains why families want a boy.

India isn't the only country which has many traditions, Japan is the same
Japan is a country where technology is very advanced and yet Japan keeps certain tradition.
I chose a photo which shows three girls wearing yukata to a shop window. These girls are dressed in traditional yukata on the opportunity of the incredible fireworks summer, the Hanabi Taikai. Its name literally means “fire flowers”.
On the first January, the Japanese go to a Shinto shrine or a Buddhist temple for the hatsumode (first visit to the temple). They come to pray and proclaim their New Year greeting they hope to fulfill. Some people for a kimono for this event.

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I would like to talk about the notion : “idea of progress”.
The idea of progress means an evolution (advancement) in the world through technologies, medicinal practices and social life. The notion of progress is a modern idea which opposes the stability that prevailed in the past (that is not really it). Everyone aspires to progress, especially countries. A modern country is a sign of power and can always improve in contrast to a country that remains in the past. Progress is the sign of openness to the world. However, many countries can't escape from their traditions. India is a good example because it's a country that is caught between tradition and modernity. 

As many southern countries, India is experiencing a huge population growth. In 2025, it is projected that India will become the most densely populated country. 
We can see this in an extract from "The Painter of Signs" written by R.K Narayan and published in 1976. It is the story about Raman who is falling in love with Daisy who decides to make a family planning programme and so she will visit  villages to help regulate births. So in the extract, she meets a teacher and she asks him many question on the increase of the village population while Raman observes the scene and listens to them.
At the beginning, the young woman explains that the population has increased by 20 per cent whereas the food production has only increased by 3 per cent. In addition, the number of houses has remained exactly the same. She explains to the teacher who has now four children that the total population of India every year increases by 14 million people, which correspond to the population of Peru. Through her, the author insists on the problem of overpopulation in India which provokes famine and poverty. The only solution is to convince people that they would live in better conditions if they had fewer children. Consequently, the solution is birth control but it is difficult to convince people and we can see that in the text with the teacher who believes there is no need to reduce the number of birth because, for him, India is a large country with a lot of undeveloped areas. Through this teacher, and Raman as well, because he thinks if the villagers like to live crowed it's their business, we discover that people don't want to forget (..or throw away) their habits and traditions.
And because there are too many births, Indians families prefer having a son than a daughter (one reason for the many births is that Indian prefer the boy child over girls) . First, a boy keeps the family name whereas a girl musts belong to the family of her husband. In addition, a boy works in the field whereas a girl is supposed to stay at home and do the chores. Finally, a family does not have to pay dowry if it's a boy. However, this can create a problem for the people later because parents want to know the sex of the child before its birth and if it's a girl they may carry out an abortion. Then, it is contrary to progress because there isn't equality between man and woman. 
We can see this injustice with an extract from Secret daughter written by Shilpi Somaya Gowda and published in 2010. 
This extract tells the birth of a baby who isn't wanted since her mother cries, seeing that it's a girl and her father hoped it would be a boy because he calls the baby “my little prince”. When he knows that the baby is a girl, he is extremely disappointed and starts shouting at Kavita, his wife. He accuses her of being unable to give birth to boys and of being responsible for the birth of a girl. Then, he explains to her that they need a boy to help them in the field, that they cannot have a girl because they would not be able to pay for the dowry. But Kavita refuses to let him take her baby. She defies his auority and refuses to obey him. She is determined to keep her baby, even if it means putting her life in danger. Finally, she manages to keep her baby for a night. 
Through her, the author wants to show that Indian women can rebel and stand for their rights. The author denounces a society in which women are scapegoats. She denounces the problem of the dowry which explains why families want a boy. 

India isn't the only country which has many traditions,Japan is the same.Japan is a country where technology is very advanced and yet Japan keeps certain traditions.
I chose a photo which shows three girls wearing yukata at a shop window. These girls are dressed in traditional yukata on the opportunity of the incredible fireworks summer, the Hanabi Taikai. Its name literally means “fire flowers”.
On the first January, the Japanese go to a Shinto shrine or a Buddhist temple for the hatsumode (first visit to the temple). They come to pray and proclaim their New Year greeting(?) they hope to fulfill. Some people wear a kimono for this event.
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