
Mettre ces 4 phrases (en anglais) à la forme négative, affirmative et interrogative : 1.«You be a good football player.»2.«They play football and tennis. »3.«It happen this morning.»3.Jessica and Alan buy a new phone. »S.V.P c'est POUR DEMAIN IMPORTANT Merci Mille FOIS d'avance

Répondre :

bonjour !

1- you are a good football player (aff)
    Are you a good football player ?  (int.)
    You aren't a good football player  (nég.)

2- They play football and tennis .  (aff.)
    Do they play football and tennis ?  (int.)
    They don't play football and tennis. (nég.)

3- it happened this morning. (aff.)   au prétérit
    Did it happen this morning ? (int.) prétérir
    It didn't happen this morning (nég.) prétérit (c'eest arrivé ce matin = passé)

4- J. and A. buy a new phone (afff.)
    Do J and A. buy a new phone ? (int.)
     J. and A. don't buy a new phone (nég)

tu n'as pas précisé à quel temps.......au cas où ça soit au prétérit
1- were  / were you  ?/ tou were not
2- played / did they play ?/ they didn't play
3- si tu la veux au présent = happens / does it happen ?/ it doesn't happen ...mais ça fait vraiment bizarre
4- bought / Did J. and A. buy ?/ didn't buy.

bonne soirée