
Bonjours Je suis en 4eme et j'ai un devoir d'anglais a faire je doit raconter en 12 lignes une plongée que j'ai faites et ce que j'ai vu . Dans ce texte je dois aussi utiliser le BE+ING voilà merci

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Two weeks ago, I went to the diving school ! We went to the diving site and we started ! It was so exiting !!! I took my palms and I dived with out knowing what I was going to see ! In the water, I saw a lot of amazing fishs, blue, grey, purple, yellow, pink, red, orange, green... It was choking to see such an incredible world bellow our feets.Bla bla bla vbla.... Des algues.... Bla bla bla, A shark, bla bla bla