
Bonjour j'ai un très gros travail d'anglais a faire ou je dois parler d'une association environmental qui protège l'environment , on doit utiliser ; Used To , présent et du présent perfect , je suis pas très bon en anglais donc j'ésperais que quelqun puisse corriger mon texte , niveau 3eme , Merci d'avance

texte :

Final Task

Name of association : Safe the world
Slogan : Nothing is lost , everything recovers.

My name is Théo Mazille and I'm fifteen years old , I live in Saint-Georges-de-Reneins and I am the manager of my association : Safe The world .
My association encourage the people of the world a classify their trash because there are in the world , 4 billion of tonne of trash for years with one billion of trash eating , the trash are very considerbale and they pollute the planet
The trash dirty our beach , street , some trash are biodegradable but it numbers of trash come from too food wastage , they are one billion of tonne of trash food in the world either third of the production total by years.

When it was a nineteenth century , they didn't use to classified the trash and the trash use to was burnt.
In some country , we can have a fine if we throw a trash on the floor

My name is Théo Mazille and I'm fifteen years old , I live in Saint-Georges-de-Reneins and I am the manager of my association : Safe The world .
My association encourage the people of the world a classify their trash because there are in the world , 4 billion of metric of trash for years with one billion of trash eating , the trash are very considerbale and they pollute the planet
The trash dirty our beach , street , some trash are biodegradable but it numbers of trash come from too food wastage , they are one billion of metric of trash food in the world ether third of the production total for years.

When it was a nineteenth century , they didn't use to classified the trash and the trash use to was burnt.
In some country , we can have a fine if we throw a trash on the floor

My association do the demonstration for encourage the people for recycle their trash , and we do a publicity television and after sometimes we put a poster publicity in the street , we put too your service a bin recycling and in some city the tip

Répondre :

Final Task

Name of association: "Save The World"
Slogan: "Nothing is lost, everything recovers."

My name is Théo Mazille and I'm fifteen years old, I live in Saint-Georges-de-Reneins and I am the manager of my association called "Save The World".

My association encourages the people of the world to classify their trash because there are 4 billion tons of trash in the world. Trash is very filthy and it pollutes the planet.

Trash makes our beaches and streets dirty, some trash is biodegradable but the majority of trash comes from food waste. There are one billion tons of wasted food in the world.

In the 19th century, they didn't classify their trash and burned it instead. In some countries, you can have a fine if you throw trash on the floor.

My association will do a demonstration to encourage the people to recycle their trash, and we will publish a TV advertisement and after that, we will put advertising posters on the streets. We will provide recycling bins all over the city, along with recycling tips.