
Pour le bac d'anglais, je suis en train de préparer mes listes de vocabulaire. Je souhaitais savoir si vous seriez prêts à les partager avec moi.

Notion : "mythes et héros"

Merci !

Répondre :

Salut, tu peux te servir de ces expressions :


To go west = to travel westward
To be on the go= to be on the move
To cross new frontiers
To aim at (verbe + ING)
To reach a goal,
To fulfil a dream
To be keen to conquer / to colonize, to civilize, to urbanize
To go beyond one’s limits = aller au delà de ses limites
To plough = labourer
To grow crops = cultiver / produire une culture
To overspread the continent = parcourir le continent
To toil = to work hard

Expliquer = To account
Paranthèses = Backets
Tableau = Charts
Choisir = Choose
Entourer = Circle
Compléter = Complete
Lier = Linck
Soutenir = To back
Denoncer = To denounce Reveler = To disclose
Insister sur = To emphasize
Mettre en evidence = To ehance
Se concenter sur = To focus on
Faire allusion à =  To hint at
Déduire de = To infer from
Signifier = To mean
Remarquer = To remarks
Remettre en question = To question
Représenter = To stand
Témoigner = To testify
Hypothèse = Assumption
Allusison = Hirt
Idée fausse = Misconception
Citation = Quotation

- "So long as free land exists, the opportunity for a competency exists, and economic power secures political power.” Frederick Jackson Turner
- "The frontier is the line of most rapid and effective Americanization" Frederick Jackson Turner.
-"All America lies at the end of the wilderness road, and our past is not a dead past, but still lives in us." T.K. Whipple

American progress / American expansion / US expansionism Town vs countryside The myth of the Frontier Baddies, cowboys, outcasts, adventurers, horsemen Cattle wranglers, Rustlers Pioneers, Settlers, farmers Native Americans / Indians / warriors, Tribal lands, Tribes Barbed wire Shortage of food / supplies The cattle roaming wild Railroad Wagons, Stage coach, a cart drawn by horses Telegraph (pole / wire) ‘Go West young man’ Founding commitment Wilderness, Wild West, Open space, Territory, hinterland Bows, arrows, hatchet Harvest

Bold / courageous / Brave Tough / energetic / muscular Self-reliant, self-sufficient Ressourceful, Dynamic, Free-spirited Ever-widening Remote Hungry for lands and profits Strenuous, harsh, Unspoilt, deserted, wild Stripped (resources) Booming (population) Sparsely populated

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