WHO = Lata, the main character and her best friend Malati, Durrrani, a young muslim indian Lata have just met
WHEN = between the years1950 and 1952 just after the independance of India
WHAT ABOUT = the love relationship between an indian girl and a muslim
The atmosphere is sweet, romantic. Lata is in love
Lata and Malati are two real best friends. Lata calls Malati "Malu" as a sweet name; she uses it with affection.
Malati is worried for her friend Lata. She has just found out that Durrani, the boy Lata is in love with, is Muslim.
Lata is first happy to hear Malati on the phone. Then , she figures out that Malati has something important to tell her and stays mute. Finally, when she finds out, she gets anxious and runs out of table.
6- The problem mentionned is that Durrani is Muslim. It's just after the independance of India and Muslims and Indhus fought a lot.
Malata's advice is that Lata should forget Durrani, put down the experience, and be sure next time she first finds out the last name of the boy to avoid any ambiguity.
The passage title is "an unsuitabla boy" because Lata is just finding out Durrani is Muslim. Usually, it doesn't match. Lata shouldn't get married witha muslim boy. The title of the novel is "A suitable boy". That means Lata and Durrani got married. Maybe, he has proved that even Muslim boys could be accepted, or Lata's Family was quite open-minded.
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