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Hello today i'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. It concerns the various movements between different geographical territories. There are several movements as exchanges of goods, information exchanges or migrations and today we're going to talk about migrations and I’m going to explain to what extent can we say that the presence of Latinos in the US is beneficial?
To start with these evolutions caused the emergence of new movement anti-immigration, called the “Minutemen”. Indeed, on the picture entitled “minutemen at the border” we can see the border between the US and Mexico and the minutemen who are securing the border by building a fence. Their goal is to stop immigration.
In an audio document entitled “Arizona’s minutemen”, a minuteman explained the reasons of his actions. In his view, they do what the government won’t, that is to say shut the border. They think that the illegal immigration is out of control whereas it’s for them the greatest threat to the national security.
Après ton texte est un peu près correct sauf que tu met trop de fois le mot Indeed ou However. C'est trop répétitif. Je vais corriger la conclusion.
As a conclusion, we can say that the presence of Hispanics in America is beneficial for different reasons like economic, cultural and political reasons. At last the minutemen’s arguments aren’t acceptable because this is discriminatory act to say that Hispanics are a threat to the American security.
Voilà ! C'est tout pour moi ! J'espère t'avoir aidé ! ^^
Hello today i'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. It concerns the various movements between different geographical territories. There are several movements as exchanges of goods, information exchanges or migrations and today we're going to talk about migrations and I’m going to explain to what extent can we say that the presence of Latinos in the US is beneficial?
To start with these evolutions caused the emergence of new movement anti-immigration, called the “Minutemen”. Indeed, on the picture entitled “minutemen at the border” we can see the border between the US and Mexico and the minutemen who are securing the border by building a fence. Their goal is to stop immigration.
In an audio document entitled “Arizona’s minutemen”, a minuteman explained the reasons of his actions. In his view, they do what the government won’t, that is to say shut the border. They think that the illegal immigration is out of control whereas it’s for them the greatest threat to the national security.
Après ton texte est un peu près correct sauf que tu met trop de fois le mot Indeed ou However. C'est trop répétitif. Je vais corriger la conclusion.
As a conclusion, we can say that the presence of Hispanics in America is beneficial for different reasons like economic, cultural and political reasons. At last the minutemen’s arguments aren’t acceptable because this is discriminatory act to say that Hispanics are a threat to the American security.
Voilà ! C'est tout pour moi ! J'espère t'avoir aidé ! ^^
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