
Bonjour, actuellement en Terminale ES, je passe mon oral d'anglais dans quelques semaines. Quelqu'un accepterait-il de corriger ma synthèse sur "Location and forms of power" ?
Merci beaucoup

To introduce this topic, i would like to give a definition of the notion “Locations and forms of power”. Locations are a site, a place like a country, a town. Power can represent a person, a group, or a nation having great influence or control over others. I’m going to talk about New-Zealand and his history.
How and why people exercise their power on others?
I will first deal with the actual N-Z, his economy, society, relations with others, communities. Then, I will talk about the history of this multiculturalism, the roots of this Island.

New-Zealand is a multicultural nation, cosmopolitan, open-minded…
In 1893, the Island was the first country in the world to give voting rights to women. In fact, this country is not a standstill, it keeps evolving.
The document “ Who is a kiwi anyway” clearly illustrate the advantages to live in New-Zealand.
Indeed, live in N-Z rhymes with a safe environment, with a spectacular natural landscapes and an outdoor life. Furthermore this island is well known for her safe community, friendly people, a quiet and relaxed atmosphere and for his space and mild climate all over.
There is also good education and lot of opportunities.
By the way, this country is rather strategically well placed in the pacific. Added to his population and diversity, New-Zealand is a real source of wealth.

Nevertheless , this Island also nicknamed “Paradise of the pacific” have some drawbacks like the fact that some ethnic groups cannot manage to accept each other and live together in brotherhood. A unease still reigns among different communities and we will see that they haven't always been equal.

Originally, New Zealand was only inhabited by Maori. The image “Get up stand up”show us a Maori man with traditional ta moko tattoo design on his face. When the British first arrived on the island, they colonised the N-Z by using power and dishonesty. Indeed, On the document “Get up stand up”, A chief warrior is addressing a Maori crowd and talking about the confrontations between Maori and first white men. We learn in this document the reality about how the English betrayed the Maoris, breaking the treaty of Waitangi. This text show us the power of British imperialism symbolised by kings and queens at the head of a great armies who used their strength to submit the Maoris.
The document “The happy few” is also a good example to show us how British exercise their power on others. On this text, some years after the end of the second world war, Hungarians were chosen by New-Zealand government to live with them on the island. We can say that British exercised a kind of power on hungarians because the government only picked people extra clever, beautiful and healthy. Thus, New-Zealand aim was to have people who would 'fit in" really, and painlessly. In other words, immigrants were expected to assimilate easily.
The two documents make us realize that British used their superiority on other to build the New-Zealand that we know nowadays.

To put it in a nutshell, we can say that New Zealand is today renowned thanks to his nice population and his outstanding landscapes, but also thanks to his strategic position in the Pacific. We can characterise this Island with one word: "multiculturalism", a real treasure. Nevertheless, strains remain between ethnic groups inhabiting the island. The 200 ethnic communities have a common past that has not always been cheerful and chosen. Indeed, Maori haven't forgotten the deceitfulness of British colonizers.

Répondre :

1) à la 4è ligne, tu écris: New Z.. "his" moi je mettrai "its"..............!
2) l6: "its" economy
3) l8 : "nation": après cosmopolitan et open-minded
4)ll9: j'écrirai "the voting RIGHT et non "rights".On dit LE droit de vote......
5) l11  illustrateS
6) l14:  ITS safe..........+ ITS space..
7) ITS population
8) The paradise of Pacific   HAS...........
9) l25 ; The image....... showS
10) l30:  this text SHOWS us................
11) l31 a.great ARMY...........ITS strength
12) l39:  non pas "the 2 documents "mais  THESE............. + .......otherS
13) l41:  ITS nice population............. +....... ITS landscape + ITS strategic position

Je n'ai peut-e^tre pas tout vu!!....Mais c'est djà ça!! bon courage et...bonne chance!! :)