
Bonjour pouvez vous m'aidez svp merci c'est un exercice d'anglais niveau 5ème

Posez la question qui vous permettrait de savoir de quoi ou de qui il s'agit :

1. They go to the cinema every .... .
2. Brian is .... in his room.
3. She often plays tennis with .... .
4. I want to buy a new .... .
5. Mum and Dad are going to the .... .
6. She .... every day and so do I.
7. We don't like them because .... .
8. I'm watching a .... .
9. .... want to see you now.
10. They're trying to .... .

Répondre :

Bonjour, je ne comprends pas, dans consigne il est écrit qu'il faut poser des questions alors que les phrases ne sont pas complètes.. Il faut poser la question à côté et en plus compléter les phrases ?
1) week/ when do they go to the cinema?

2) is working / Where is Brian working?

3) her friend Anna /  With whom does she play tennis?

4) a new book / What do you want to buy?

5) restaurant / Where are  Mum and Dad  going to?

6) swims / What does she do every day?

7)they 're too curious / Why don't you like them?

8) movie / What are you watching?

9)I want.... / Who do you want to see you?

10) work / What are they trying to do?

et voilà!! j'espère que ça ira!! :)