To illustrate this notion and answer at the problem, I have chosen one document who names ''Personal experience of blackout'' . I have chosen this document because it show us how we are addicted to new technologies.
My presentation will fall into 3 parts :
In a first part, I will analyse the progress of new technologies in public life and deprived. My second part will be about how society depends on electricity and in the last part, I will insist on the negative impacts of technologies.
I) The progress of the social networks in public life and deprived.
Since a few years, the social networks have taken a big dimension in our life. 50 (fifty) years ago, people did without computers, they wrote letters on papers and they sent them to communicate. They obtained an answer one week later. People listened to music on cassettes, they spoke with people in real life without social networks. Nowadays, it's different, all is done with new technology means and internet. With social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, we can communicate quickly with anybody anywhere. This allows to stay in contact with friends, remote relations around the world any day in whatever the hour. People write emails, listen to music on ipod or on the internet. Banks, planes, hospitals all of them use technology. Thanks to these new communications, we can keep more ties with these remote persons. Thus, the internet and especially progress, social networks have created new links between people. Thus, our communication have enormously progress with internet and social networks.
II) Society depends on electricity
Elecricity is part of progress as it anables us to many things such as charging our phones, cooking, directing the trafic, or simply see in the dark. So elecricity is necessary in our daily life and people depends on it.
To illustrate this part, the document '' Personal experiences of blackout'' presents online posts relating people's personal experiences. They have been several electricity failures all over the world in past years. So I will speak about the text :
When a blackout occured in NY, Jordan says, in his post, it caused much trafic jam. People had nothing to do and some helped the polic to direct the trafic. The blackout favoured solidarity. He considers this event was an eye-opening incident.
Thanks to this kinf of event, people realize how addicted they are to technology.
So I think elecricity is vital in our life and live without it's very difficult besause they have always lived with electricity. So in conclusion to the texte this account show how people realize they are depending to electricity, they react positively.n texte :