
Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider à corriger ce texte s'il vous plaît ? (syntaxe , conjugaison et orthographe et répétitions )

This song convey a lot of emotions .First she convey happiness because she speaks about the liberation of Nelson Mandela .After 25 years past in jail , thiss man is finally free.
After she convey injustice because she says that the man was taken away but we know that he was arrested for anything . So it convey also revolt because the song sayys : " It was 25 years they took that man away " and we know they have not reason .
Finally she covey hope because the fourst lyric is :" they say Mandela's free so step outside " This man may again defend people .

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This song convey a lot of emotions .First it conveys happiness because it speaks about Nelson Mandela's liberation. After 25 years in jail, this man was finally freed. After it conveys injustice because it says that the man was taken away but we know that he was arrested for nothing. So it also conveys revolt because the song says: “He had been taken away for 25 years“and we know there was no reason. Finally it conveys hope because the fourth (line) lyric is:" they say Mandela's free so step outside “This man may again defend people.