
Bonjours j'ai un réel problème a faire ce devoir, de plus il faut que je l'envoie ce soire alors si vous pouvez m’aide sa me ferais très plaisir. Vous êtes Solomon Northup et vous écrivez une lettre en racontent votre période de captivité afin de dénoncer l'esclavage et les conséquences de cette pratique. En une dizainee de ligne. Mercie beaucoup

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My name is Solomon Northup, I was kidnapped and became a slave during twelve years in Louisiana. I was sold like a vulgar piece of meat. My buyer gave me a new name. I worked up to nineteen hours a day and sometimes more longer in the plantation. In fact in the cotton fields we worked from the sunrise until the sunset.In my first plantation, beatings and whippings were a common punishment. sometimes when my master was not satisfed or my work he whipped me or he used also neck collars or leg irons. It was as if I was in hell. Even if owners controlled us , work and physically they could not control our minds.
I was 
 moved from one property to another so many times.