
Bonjour ,j'aurais besoin de quelques idées svp pour rédiger une carte postale qui raconte votre week end dans un pays anglosaxon : Dear...,
4 phrases au prétérit qui raconte où, ce que vous avez fait et ce que vous avez mangé... Lots of love ou Sincerely yours.

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On Sunday, I took the eurostar shuttle at Paris and I crossed the Eurotunnel until London St Pancras. 
Next morning I took an english breakfast with their finger sandwiches, fluffy scones with cream and jam, tea with a dash of milk, and eggs boiled, fried of poached. It wasn't so bad!!
Then I took the double decker bus and I visited the Westminster Palace with the famous Big Ben, I also 
admired it by night in a boat tour on the river Thames.
Yesterday,I got up early and I went until Piccadilly circus and Soho. I did some shopping there and  I bought some souvenirs. I also ate in a traditional english restaurant ordering a traditional fish and ships. It was really yummy!! You should visit London you won't be dissapointed!!!

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