
capitalist system in economy of Mauritius

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Hi !

Je ne suis pas sûr de comprendre à 100% ta question.....le système politique de l'île Maurice ????

Mauritius Island is parliament democracy. 
This government is composed of thee separated "powers" : the legislative, the executive and the Judiciary branches.

More or less, as in France, the Prime Minister has more significant powers as the President.
The President is the "Head" of the State and the Prime Minister gets the full executive powers.
The Government and the National Assembly share the legislative power.
The President and the Vice President are elected for a five years term by the National Assembly.
There are three main Political parties :
the MMM at the head of the country (Mouvement Militant Mauricien)
the MSM = Mouvement Solialiste militant
The PTR = Parti Travailliste = Labour Party
I think that  the PTR (founded in 1936) actually led the Government .

Is that ok ???

Si tu veux plus de renseignements, je te les posterai avec plaisir en commentaires....
Mais voilà, leur système politique est relativement semblable à celui de la France.

Bonne journée

Si je suis hors-sujet , merci de me signaler ....

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