
bonjour, j'ai un exo et je comprend pas ce qu'il faut faire.

Voilà la consigne:

Write the namee of th city, the date and the consequences today, using "today we can.... today we don't have to.."

le texte:

the treaty of rome established the E.E.C. in 1957. It was the origin of the european common market, which became the european union. For example, if a german family visits france, they can buy anything they want. They don't have to pay duties on anything at customs

1985 schengen agreement created a zone abolishing border controls between member countries. For example if a french person travels from france to spain, or italy, they don't have to show their pasport at the border

The maastricht treaty prepared for monetary union and the euro. It was signed in 1922. Now in many E.-U. countries people pay in euros. The lisbon treaty gave more power to european parliament. It was signed in 2007

Il y a également un petit
a) The city in the netherlands where captain d'artagnan bravely fought for the french king during the franco-dutch war in 1673.

b) This italian city has the oldest forum in Europe.

c) vasco de gama left for a long voyage to the americas from this portuguese port.

d) I am a small town in a small country, close to Francee, Germany and Belgium, but i Am now famous in large part of the E.U. where people can move and travely freely (except for the U.K and Ireland).

Et pour chaque petit a), b), c), d), il y a à remplir:
City:_______________ Date:_____

Voilà, j'ai rien compris et tout
Merci d'avance

Répondre :

Bonjour !
Alors, la consigne dit : d'écrire le nom de la ville, la date, et les conséquences d'aujourd'hui, en utilisant "Aujourd'hui, nous pouvons..." et " aujourd'hui nous n'avons pas le droit de..."

Et ensuite il suffit de lire le texte. Pour les "petits" a,b,c, et d, dans chaque trucs tu dois donner les infos qu'il demande c'est à dire " la date, le nom de la ville dont il parle, et aujourd'hui si y a des changements.

voilà ! N'hésite pas à me dire si cela t'as aidé. Bonne continuation !