
Exercice 1 Tu lis les résultats d une étude de 1980 sur les mauvaises habitudes des gens . Rédige un bilan sur les problèmes qui existent encore aujourd'hui ou pas Exemple : People use dangerous sprays Ça donne : People don t use dangerous sprays anymore 1-People are not aware of the dangers of their behaviour on our planet 2-In the country,People burn plastic waste in their gardens 3-People do not take advantage of public transport 4- People don t recycle enough 5-People have a bath every day 6-People throw toxic liquids in the rivers Exercice 2 Compléter par ces mots et les mettre au preterites : bought-did-was-sang-were-became-began 1- Hi Matt , when ... you begin the guitar? 2- I think I ... when I was about 13 3- And ... Your family musical? 4- Yeah, my dad ... And played in a rock band . 5. ... You immediately successful? 6- No ! We ... Well-know in the late 1990s 7-I remember , I ... Your first album in 1999! Exercice 3 Écris ce que les noirs américains du sud des États Unis pouvaient faire ou pas dans les années 50 en suivant le modèle Exemple : be elected : they couldn t be elected 1-vote 2- go to school 3-go to the same schools as white childrens 4 - use public transport 5- sit in the same section as white people

Répondre :

1-People are not aware of the dangers of their behaviour on our planet --> today, people are still not aware enough of the dangers of their behaviour on our planet, though much more than in 1980
2-In the country,People burn plastic waste in their gardens--> today, people do not burn anymore plastic waste in their gardens
 3-People do not take advantage of public transport --> people today take advantage of public transport though many still drive individual cars often
4- People don t recycle enough --> today, people recycle more often than before
 5-People have a bath every day --> people take less baths today
6-People throw toxic liquids in the rivers --> today, people do not throw any toxic liquids in the rivers anymore