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Marriage customs in China In a culture where the family as a social institution is central, marriage is an important institution and has many intricate customs associated with it. In the Chinese family system the wife lives with the husband's family and is deemed no longer part of her own family but the property' of the husband's family. Arranged marriages, where the marriage match is arranged by the parents or relatives of the bride and groom, were once common Chinese society but are now rare and viewed as old-fashioned. Marriage is usually now based on the couples' own choices, However, once the couple have chosen each other, the arrangements are usually taken over by the parents(or older relatives), thus observing traditional customs and superstitions. Chinese men tend to marry fairly late in life as they need to save up for the expense of the wedding: a Chinese wedding can be very expensive, especially where the involved families are of high social status. Two important components of Chinese culture the need to avoid embarrassment saving face and to conspicuously display wealth and prosperity- come heavily to the fore marriage, especially when it is the eldest son's marriage. Failure to provide an expensive wedding is likely to lower the status of the family, bring shame upon them and bting criticism raining down upon them from relatives
et merci d'avance