
j'ai mon oral d'anglais LV1 pour le bac dans deux semaines et je suis actuellement en train de préparer mes notions. J'aimerai avoir votre avis sur celle portant sur "espaces et échanges" car j'ai quelques doutes sur certaines formulations.

Voici ma notion :
I am going to talk about spaces and exchanges. We can define exchange like the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. Today we lived in a globalized world, these exchanges can take several forms: for example economic, cultural or movement of people… These various interactions have transformed and characterized our modern-day world – sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.
To illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about migration and particularly in United Kingdom.
We can ask ourselves: Are immigrants a solution or a problem?
To answer this question I will present 3 documents that I studied in class this year.

The first document I have chosen is an article taken from the BBC website. This article lists the main push and pulls factors for the migrants. Push factors are the reasons why people leave an area and pull factors are the reasons why people move to a particular area. We learn that people leave a country mainly for economic, ecological, sanitary and political reasons (push factors). The migrants are then attracted towards countries where the economic, political, social and sanitary situation is better (pull factors).
We learn thanks to this article that the migrants leave most of the time their country with the aim of having a better life somewhere else.

The second document I have chosen is another a website article taken from itv.com. The journalist draws our attention to the fact that immigration is for a lot of people a negative thing while it is actually not the reality. Indeed for many people immigrants stealing jobs and resources. Many polls demonstrate it: for example one of these polls shows that 46% of the Brits believed Eastern Europeans contribute less than they consume. But in reality it is not true, Professor Dustmann makes a yearlong study and he concluded that British nats cost the state 1.900£ per person per year and on the other hand European immigrants contribute 2.610£ per person per year. It can be explained by the fact that European immigrants are better educated and younger so healthier. They are more likely to be in work. After reading this article we understand that the author is for the immigration in United Kingdom.

The last document I have chosen is a video report taken from the website euronews.com. This report explains to us that United Kingdom is a land of welcome for the immigrants but since one certain times the government decided to reduce these comings. Furthermore according to a poll 70 % of the British people wish a reduction of immigration in United Kingdom. The British Prime minister, David Cameron explains that at the moment the migrants wishing to come to United Kingdom had to contribute to the country and not only take advantage of the system and the profits.
For dissuade even more the migrants, media try to make of the bad advertising of the United Kingdom by playing on clichés. According to the report it is ridiculous.

Finally the immigration is a subject which separates the notices. We studied the case of the immigration in United Kingdom and we were able to notice that for many the immigration is a problem because they are people in more to whom it is necessary to take care. But for other people these migrants are an opportunity because they are young and experimented and they are thus of the workforce in more for the country. They allow to bring profits to the country.
Furthermore we should not forget that these people have for the greater part to leave their country in the hope of a better life that they were not able to have in their country of origin.
The solution to help these people and decrease migratory flow would thus be to help these countries to progress.

merci d'avance pour vos conseils.
Bonne journée

Répondre :

Pour moi ta notion est très bien! Je ne vois pas de fautes en particuliers, tout est bien expliqué, c'est compréhensible et complet. Désole j'ai pas de conseils à te donner :,) Mais si t'as besoin d'aide pour autre chose, n'hésite pas!