
Hi please help me c pr demain
Do you know somebody in your city , town village or neighborhood who has become successful, write a paragraph story about how s/he became successful
Merci d'avance

Répondre :

Bonjour, pourquoi tu dis que c'est pour demain? Tu as cours le dimanche?Je présume que non...Je te propose  de parler d'un sportif de haut niveau qui habite à côté de chez moi, tu le connais peut être il s'appelle Vincent Boury, médaillé olympique etc...champion de tennis de table  , handicapé il joue en fauteuil

Vincent Boury lives near my  village. He practices table tennis with high level handicap. He is very kind and always ready to tell about  his sport and his handicap, as he plays in a wheelchair. 

He gradually took over the national competitions and finally won a first title of Champion of France in 1990.

He then participated to his  first Paralympic Games in 1996 in Atlanta. In all he went to 5 Games and he  came back  with 5 medals.

In addition to that ,he has  won some 50 national titles but his best challenges will always remain the Paralympic Games.

 In 2012 he went to London and won the team silver medal.He said us that  his  best memory is the Beijing Games ( Jeux de Pékin) that took place in 2008. He said that  China is considered "the empire of ping-pong", and coming back with a gold medal in singles is the pinnacle of what we can dream!

 J'espère que ça ira.

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