

Consigne : Parler des différences notables ou qui vous ont surpris entre la France et l'inde ( pour nathea ) que vous avez visité (environ 2m)

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Last year I traveled to India with my Mum as backpackers. She used to travel that way in her twenties and wanted to share with me this experience.
We landed in New  Delhi around two o'cock in the morning. 
Usually, the airports are quiet and empty......it was so crowded, you could hardly find your way out. Lots of men came to us asking "taxi", "taxi"......I was quite scaring. But my Mum wanted to begin the trip to Calcutta on the East coast and come back to Delhi by railways or buses. So we found our way to the counter of the company going to Calcutta. They said no more planes available until two days. I don't know exactly what my Mum and the counter person told each other, but after a while she gave our two passports and we had two tickets for the next flight !!! I asked her how she managed to do this. She told me , you have to talk to them, be nice and fun and when they are ready , you give your passport with a backschish, some money inside, and you get what you want. But first of all you have to create a complicity.
So now we had our tickets for Calcutta.
We had to wait for two hours always being harassed by taxi drivers......My Mum wasn't paying attention because she had lived that before but I wasn't comfortable at all. The atmosphere of a French airport and there was so different. It was like being on a crowded market place.
It was finally time for our flight to Calcutta. Even in the plane, people were almost fighting to have another seat but they never look dangerous, they're always smiling as if it was a game, a sort of custom to bully gently each other
When we landed in Calcutta,it was the same as in Delhi......My Mum Knew the way and we walked for quite half an hour or more on the Howra Bridge which is the way to get into Calcutta. It's a huge scaring city, so poor......I just wanted to go back home. We found a room for us. Not a nice hotel room, just a place.....if you see what I mean. My Mum invited me in a continental restaurant to relax me. Then we walked in Calcutta and I began to understand how they were acting. If you are walking on the sidewalk, they drive straight to you, waiting for you to  jump aside. Once my Mum didn't jump aside and the guy fell down. Every one was laughing, us, the guy and his friends . It's just a game.
(Of course we went in the "ghat" of Calcutta. Its a place where stairs come down to the Ganja river. Each morning they do their sacred bath, buffaloes are taking their bathes two ghats further, and it's the place where they burn dead people if the family is rich enough to buy enough wood) à metre après la paragraphe suivant..............................
When we left Calcutta , we went to Varanasi, called before Benares on the boarder of the Ganja river. It's a sacred city where each Indian would like to die to stop the process of reincarnation. I felt very peaceful in this city. Of course the problem of the sacred cows is more important because the streets are very narrows. But I had understood that it's not a game. If you hurt a sacred cow, you are in a really bad situation !!!
me suis planté...mets le paragraphe d'avant ici
I was beginning to get used to Indian food. Quite spicy !!! Even for breakfast !
In the train between Calcutta and Varanasi, at each stop, many people are selling food for a few rupees.....there again , I was stunned. Food is coming to you...At first, I didn't want to try , but I finally did ....
Whe  we left Varanasi, we stopped in Agra. Have you heard of it ? That is the place where the Taj Mahal stands. Indian people travel a lot in their own country and they were much more Indian people than tourists. It's a mausoleum in ivory white marble constructed the house the favorite wife of Shah Jahan. Indian people are much more respectful when they visit a temple, than tourists. Tourists always are complaining and act as  they were home every where.They hardly respect the custody of another country.
I finally enjoy this trip but I don't think I would do it again . The difference of way of life isn't so easy....I'm not sure to be as patient as I should be.
Accepting differences means to be really open minded whatever is happening and trust people you hardly know. It's like forgetting its own roots  and adopt different ones. You have to forget your habits, who you are (not completly !) and dive in another place, forgetting as much as tou can, where you come from.

Je pense être hors sujet.....................
Dis-moi ce que tu en penses

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