
Bonjour j'ai besoin d'aide svp c'est urgent enfaite je doit faire un interview en anglais en parlant de ma passion et je doit poser 4question et y réponde en sachent que ma passion c'est le cheval pouvez vous m'aidez svp merci

Répondre :

il faut demander
-quelle est ta passion
-le cheval
-pourquoi tu aime le cheval
-parce que ....
depuis combien de temps tu fais du cheval
quel galop tu es
Bonjour !

What is your favourite sport ?
My favourite sport is horse-riding

How long have you been practicing horse-riding ?
I began when I was *** years old and I fell in love with this sport.

Do you sometimes do competitions ?
Yes, I have already been participating to jumping competitions and I just enjoy it very much
No, I still  have never been participating to any competitions, but I hope It's going to happen soon. I'm looking forward !!!

Could you stop horse riding for anther sport ?
Of course not ! Horse riding is much more than a sport to me. It's a real passion. I don't only do horse riding but I also take care of horses. I spend all my weekends in the club, not only to ride, but to help.I love horses.

Voilà....un essai. Tu prends ce que tu veux !!!

bonne soirée !!