
bonjour vous pouvez me corriger en anglais svp:

Hello my name is Sophia Nasef I’m 14 years old I’m teen
;today I'm going to present my self portrait
,first of all I am quite tall I have long legs and long neck but I’m very skinny my body is sun-tanned I have tanned face and long face
on my face I have freckles and mole on my nose,I have a straight nose I have big eyes.I have got blue eyes I have prominent chin and dimple I have long and curly hair I would like to be auburn but I like my hair I have an updo.
My fashion style :
My style is very simple
I wear black tee shirt and white jacket, and then I wear jeans,I am wearing black shoes.I wear a pair of earrings in diamond.I have a watch.

Répondre :

i'm a teen and a long neck i have a tanned face and a long face
bonjour !

Hello, my name is Sophia Nasef and I'm a  fourteen years old teenager (= adolescente) .
Today, I'm going to present myself.
First of all, I'm quite tall, so I have long legs and also a long neck. I'm very skinny and my skin is sun tanned all over my body (est ce que tu veux dire que tu as la peau mate ??? parce que bronzée par le soleil..ça le fait moyen toute l'année !!!!) si c'est ça "I have a dark skin as if it was sun-tanned" (pour atténuer "dark" skin, pour faire plus joli !!!!).
 My face  is full of freckles. (pour éviter la répétition de I have....ou has freckles)
I have got a straight nose with a beauty spot (ou beauty spots) and big blue eyes. My chin is a bit prominent and I have dimples.
My hair is (c'est pas une faute !! on dit is pas are !) long and curly. I would like to have auburn highlights (des reflets auburn) but It's ok the way it is and I always make an updo (chignon ??? c'est çà ??) 
Now let's talk about my fashion style:
It's very simple. Usually, I wear a pair of jeans with a black tee-shirt and a white jacket and black shoes. My two accessories are a watch and a pair of diamond earrings.

Voilà. J'ai un peu modifié ton texte pour le rendre plus fluide et éviter les répétitions. J'espère que ça t'ira !!!

bonne soirée !!
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