
Pouvez m'aider a répondre à la question suivante : A votre avis pourquoi les adolescents préfèrent utiliser d'autres réseaux sociaux que twitter ?

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The use of social networks is getting very common for teenagers. Indeed, there exists various Social networks, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or even LinkedIn. Each one of them has a particularity. Facebook and Instagram have the same owner, so both of them may have similar aspects, but the two of them should be the most popular of the Internet. In fact, they are the two socials that are the most pratical to follow news, and well known poeple, sport player, celebrities. At the opposite, Twitter works with Hashtags, and some people don't feel confurtable with them. 
We can them affirm that teenagers would rather use Facebook or Instagram because it is easier for them, and corresponds in a better way to their needs.