
Pouvez-vous m,aider à corriger mes fautes d'orthographe, et si possible à perfectionner les formulations de mes phrases en anglais?
Si quelqu'un pourrait m'aider sa serait impeccable!

" Anthony Delapart is a young swimmer aged of 25 y.o who have disable, he is deaf...
First of all they are a negative side, for example: first,is difficult for his trainer to comunicate with him and second, during competitions he don't ear the beginig, so the trainer need to help him with a flag.
But his handicap help him to be more focused.
His dream was to beat a world record in order to show at people that he can do high level sport while having disabilities and furthermore to win a gold medal at paralymic games.
And Finaly, the values convoyed by his sport are: the respect for others, the fair-play and the courage"

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Bonsoir !

Anthony Delapart is a  twenty-five years old swimmer, who has a physical disability, he's deaf.... (young + 25 y.o ça fait un peu doublon..)
First of all there is two negative sides : 
His trainer has difficulties communicating with him, and then, during competitions, he can't hear the start of the race so his trainer needs to help him with a flag.
But on another side, this handicap helps him to stay more focused.
His dream was to beat a world record in order to show people that having disabilities doesn't help praticing high level sports and furthermore to win a gold medal at Paralympic Games.
(phrase au passé ou au présent ???? was /ou/ is ????).Attention de tout mettre au présent ou au passé...je ne suis pas sûr du texte en français, donc ne peux pas trop me prononcer....
And finally the transmitted values are  : respect for others, fair-play and courage.

En espérant avoir aidé 

bonne nuit :)