
bonjour pouvez vous m aidez pour mon devoir s il vous plait merci
1) Read the definitions and find out what it is.
____________________ : the separation of a racial minority group from the dominant majority.
____________________ : refusing to buy something or to use something to express disapproval or discontent.

2) Find synonyms or synonymous expressions.
Non-violent = _________________________
A march = ___________________________
A pastor = ___________________________
Liberty = ____________________________
To get involved = _____________________

3) Find antonyms (= write the opposite of…):
Awful ≠ _______________________________
Equal ≠ _______________________________
Love (noun) ≠ ____________________________
The back of the bus ≠ ___________________
To authorize ≠ _________________________

4) Find out 3 synonyms of «African-American» and write them in the correct column (choose if they are offensive or not):
Not offensive

5) Fill in the blanks to make sense.
Martin Luther King was a Civil ______________ leader. He was _____________ segregation because it was an ________________ system. The Jim Crow ________________ organised the division between black and ____________ people in public ________________ such as schools, movie theatres or housing.
He was also famous because of his _________________ called «I have a dream».

6) Give information about 1960s America.
___________________ : the laws that separated black and white people in some parts of the USA.
___________________ : it’s in this part of the USA that separation was dominant.
__________________ / _________________ : two states where the laws were established.
7) Name two types of non-violent protest.
8) Name two artists and two types of art against segregation.
9) The name of Martin Luther King’s speech.
10) Who was Martin Luther King?
Write at least 4 details about his life and his fight (make sentences).
11) 1955: why was this date really important in the history of black Americans?
Write at least two reasons.

12) For what reasons did Ruby Bridges become famous? Make sentences.


13) Find synonyms and rewrite the sentences. Use a different expression each time.

Black people didn’t have the right to go to libraries with white people.
They were obliged to sit at the back of buses.
African-Americans were not authorized to work where they wanted to.

14) Write what was and what wasn’t possible in the 1960s for black and white people in the USA (swimming-pools / marriages / hairdressers). Use different expressions.

15) Translate into English. Take a look at exercise 13 if you don’t remember.

Edith Moore n’était pas autorisée à aller à l’école avec des élèves blancs dans les années 1960.
Les gens devaient respecter les lois.

Répondre :

1/ Racism
2/ Harmless, a walk, a parson, freedom, to step in
3/ wonderful, unequal, hatred, the front of the bus, to prohibit
4/ /
5/Martin Luther King was a Civil RIGHTS ACTIVITY leader. He was AGAINST segregation because it was an AWFUL system. The Jim Crow LAWS organised the division between black and WHITE people in public PLACES such as schools, movie theatres or housing.
He was also famous because of his SO called «I have a dream».
6/ /
7/ Civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperatio.
8/ Painting, Sculpture.
9/ I have a dream
10/ /
11/ /
12/ /
13/ -Colored people were not accepted in libraries at the same time as the uncolored ones.
- They had to sit at the back of buses.
- Black people could not work where they wanted.
14/ /
15/ Edith Moore was not allowed to go to school in white pupils’ compagny.
People had to respect laws.