
Bonjour !
J'espère que vous allez bien, j'ai un oral à rendre pour demain, pouvez vous me le corriger svp ?
The theme I picked is « Places and Forms of power ».
First let me give a definition of power.
Power is the ability to influence people’s behaviours and it is also a tools to understand the world better. Power promote social cohesion and can also lead to tension. Last but not least power implics conterpower in society.
In class we focused on the power repartition, Trump’s scandals.
We focused too on the relation between president and journalist and Russia’s interference with the 2016 presidential election.
We can ask ourselves «To what extent are counter powers effective in today's US politics ?»
To answer those questions, I will first talk about «It exists 3 form of power to limit the power of instituions and president and prevent too much counter power » then, « today there is an important counterpower which can even become an affront on democracy.» and to finish «High technologies give more strength at counterpower »

To begin It exists 3 form of power to limit the power of instituions and president and prevent too much counter power.
Indeed, US governement is divided intro 3 powers : the executive detained by president and administration, the legislative detained by the Congress and the Judicial power detained by all the courts and Supreme Court.
So each power can contrebalance the other two, prevent a too important counter powers and create a good democracy.

In spite of this system, today there is an important counterpower which can even become an affront on democracy.
Journalist can destroy political image of a person with news or even alternative news are very effective.
Fake news is however less effective because, it discredit the media.
For example, during 2016 presidential election, journalist destroy image of Hilary Clinton and she lost election. And when Trump has been elected, medias relayed every story about him : his relation with an porn actress, his potential mental illness etc…
Moreover Big states like Russia can be a counterpower.
Indeed, lot of elements prove implication of Russia in 2016 presidential election.
Russia may have hacked voting machines with a virus and spead fake news on social networks to change election in favour of Trumps.

But, today, because of new high tech, counterpower is stronger than ever.
Social networks and search engine have a planetary radiation. Everybody can access to news and even fake and alternative news so counterpower practised by medias is more effective.
Moreover, if you are good in hacking, you can change vote more easily.
When Russia hacked America’s 2016 presidential elections, it have left little evidence so USA could not do something against Russia.

To conclude counter power are efective in today’s US politic in so far as .
Fortunatelly today, some search engine like Google try to do someting against fake news and a form of counter power by deciding to deranking bad website.

Thanks for your listening.

Merci bcp !!!

Répondre :

I picked the following theme: "Places and Forms of power". 
First, I'd like to define the word "power". 
Power is the ability to influence people’s behaviour. It is also a tool to better understand the world. Power promotes social cohesion but can also lead to tension. Last but not least, power implicates counter-power in society.
In class, we focused on the power repartition, and Trump’s scandals. 
We also focused on the relation between presidents and journalists and Russia’s interference with the 2016 presidential election. 
We may ask ourselves: "To what extent are counter-powers effective in today's US politics?" 
To answer these questions, I'd like to talk about the existence of 3 forms of power to limit the institutions and president's power, and to prevent too much counter power. Then, I will speak of how there is an important counter-power  today, that can even become an affront on democracy. Finally, I will conclude by mentioning that high technologies give more strength at counter-power.

To begin, I'd like to say that 3 forms of power exist, in order to limit the power of institutions and president and to prevent too much counter-power. 
Indeed, the US government is divided into 3 powers : the executive power, detained by president and administration, the legislative power, detained by the Congress and finally, the Judicial power, detained by all the courts and Supreme Court. 
Each power can counterbalance the other two, and prevent an excess of counter-powers, creating a good democracy. 

In spite of this system, today there is an important counter-power that has the potential to become an affront on democracy. 
Journalists can destroy the political image of a person, with news or even alternative news. 
Fake news, however, is less effective because, as it discredits the media.
For example, during 2016 presidential election, journalists destroyed image of Hilary Clinton and she lost the election. And when Trump was elected, the medias relayed every story about him : his relation with an porn actress, his potential mental illness etc… 
Moreover, large states like Russia can be a counter-power. 
Indeed, lot of elements prove the implication of Russia in the 2016 presidential election.
Russia may have hacked voting machines with a virus and spread fake news on social networks to change the election in favour of Trumps. 

Nowadays, because of new "high tech", counter-power is stronger than ever. 
Social networks and search engines have a planetary radiation. Everybody has access to news, and even fake and alternative news. Counter-power,  when practised by medias, is more effective. 
Furthermore, if you are a good hacker, you can change vote quite easily. 
Russia hacked America’s 2016 presidential elections, leaving little evidence. The USA could not do anything against Russia. 

To conclude, I believe that counter-powers are effective in today’s US politics so far.
Fortunately, today, some search engines like Google try to do something against fake news and forms of counter-power by deciding to derank bad websites. 

Thanks for your attention (ou thank you for listening).

C'est un super oral que t'as écrit, bonne chance !