
bonjour je passe mon oral d'anglais du bac dans une semaine et j'aimerai savoir si ce que j'ai fais est juste merci d'avance pour la réponse !Introduction
I'm going to present the notion "places and forms of power ». First of all, I would like to give a quick definition of the word « Power ». It’s the capacity to exercise control or authority over others. It can be a person, a group or a something having great influence over people. We will especially be interest in the power of art. What is the extent of the power in art?
First we will introduce the power of different type of art in the society. Then in a second step the benefits music has for society and the people.

I-different type of art
Today, there are different types of art that exist, such as music with « protest song », cinema but also poster.

Protest song are committed song whose lyrics deliver an important message that can be about many topics or event. Their goals are to defend opinions or to denounce something. They can be understood by all, they stored easily and can be taken everywhere and memorized by anyone. For example, there are music which were used to denounce an event such as « Strange Fruit » by Billie Holiday. This song is against racism. « Strange Fruit » is a metaphor which refer to the black bodies that were hung in the trees and tortured by white crowd. The lynching mainly took place in the south of USA. The music is very slow so we have the time to imagine the picture described by the word and she sings as if she were crying so it’s even more shocking.
Art can be used as propaganda. And in the WW2, it were the golden age of propaganda because it was a long, global and total war and because there were new media. Propaganda influences opinion to fight for democratic, attitude and behavior to behave responsability at work. For example the pop art placard for the American army industry with Rosie the Riveter who is a famous icon. This poster show us a woman with a flex arm who is wearing overalls and with a caption bubble with the slogan « we can do it ». So publicity were aimed at encouraging those women to join the workforce. Women were portrayed as attractive confident and resolved to do their part to win the war. It glorified and glamorized the role of working women.
Cinema is not only used for entertainment value, but to educate too. it gather hard and soft power at the same time and their abilities are endless. And every part of a movie has a purpose to the storyline or the feeling of the film. the power of cinema is incredible because there are different genres which attract even more people. But it can also repulse such as Baywatch which can repulses religious conservation. Cinema can also denounce event for instance Elephant by which was directed by Gus Van Sant. It was inspired by a true story which is a mass shooting in the secondary school Columbine by two teenagers. This film denounce free sale of weapon in USA and make us react to the reason of these shooting.

Art can change people's mentality. Some people appreciate singer and they become"fans." When hundreds of fans come together there is a sharing of values​​, and a power of thoughts when crowd sings chorus of protest. This creates a collective commitment. Music can bring people together and unify them. Art develops solidarity between people.
But a movie can make us open our eyes in different topic. Because it make us feel different feeling. However there may be different opinion for a movie or a song.

To conclude, in my view, art allows people to express their opinions and make them react to the other people for they manifest and move the world.
In extreme cases, this can lead to celebrity worship syndrome and stalking behavior.

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Art can be used as propaganda. And in the WW2, it was.


le reste c'est bon, mais il faut que tu fasse attention à ne pas parler comme si tu lisais. Parce que la quand je l'ai lu c'était comme une sorte de pavé, donc petit conseil essais de faire quelques mouvements avec les mains pour montrer que tu es à l'aise. Regarde tout le monde dans les yeux et montre ton travail si t'as un power point