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dommage que tu n'aies pas posté le texte ...
a- This is true. In the text is written "And it's not like we couldn't afford a ransom" which means they are rich enough to pay a ransom.
b- This sentence is false. In the text two sentences "Wick Wembly, the elder son of Jonas Wembly " and " The younger son Eric was to bring money in a duffle bag" reveal that Jonas Wembly has two sons, and the youngest one is Eric. So, it can't be the youngest one, (cadet en français), Eric who's been kidnapped as he had to bring the ransom.It has to be Wick, the elder one.
c- This is false. Eric kept an eye and said(??? Eric a garde un oeil ?je n'ai pas le texte..) ou juste (Eric said) "The unknown man must not have hit me very violently as he didn't knock me out". This sentence explains he didn't loose consciousness.
voilà je t'ai remanié tes phrases et surtout corrigé la b) où tu t'es embrouillé(e) avec "cadet". Ce n'est pas le fils cadet (= younger brother) qui a été kidnappé puisque Eric (le fils cadet, the youngest one) doit apporter l'argent..
En espérant que tu aies ce texte à temps.
Bonne journée :)
dommage que tu n'aies pas posté le texte ...
a- This is true. In the text is written "And it's not like we couldn't afford a ransom" which means they are rich enough to pay a ransom.
b- This sentence is false. In the text two sentences "Wick Wembly, the elder son of Jonas Wembly " and " The younger son Eric was to bring money in a duffle bag" reveal that Jonas Wembly has two sons, and the youngest one is Eric. So, it can't be the youngest one, (cadet en français), Eric who's been kidnapped as he had to bring the ransom.It has to be Wick, the elder one.
c- This is false. Eric kept an eye and said(??? Eric a garde un oeil ?je n'ai pas le texte..) ou juste (Eric said) "The unknown man must not have hit me very violently as he didn't knock me out". This sentence explains he didn't loose consciousness.
voilà je t'ai remanié tes phrases et surtout corrigé la b) où tu t'es embrouillé(e) avec "cadet". Ce n'est pas le fils cadet (= younger brother) qui a été kidnappé puisque Eric (le fils cadet, the youngest one) doit apporter l'argent..
En espérant que tu aies ce texte à temps.
Bonne journée :)
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