
Bonjour! Je passe bientôt mon oral de bac d'anglais, et j'aurais aimé savoir si une de mes notions avait des erreurs de temps/formulation de phrases ou autre. J'ai travaillé sur la notion "Myths and heroes" à propos de l'esclavage/ségrégation. Je remercie d'avance les personnes qui prendront le temps de lire mon texte et de me dire ce qui ne va pas!

First of all, I’m going to define the notions of myths and heroes. For me, myths are stories about humanity, real or not, that talks about some countries communities, personalities or places. To continue for me heroes are personalities famous or anonymous who had a major role in the evolution of human condition. People who are fighting for some causes. This is what allowed and will still allow writing and changing the history of the world.

In relation to this theme and lessons, the central question is the following:

How heroes fought to change the history and reducing injustices?

To begin, I will do the link with slavery and the means put in place to abolish it in US. Afterward, I speak of segregation and desegregation in US too. And finally I will conclude.

Firstly, slavery was one of the biggest problems in the United States. Many people worked hard to overcome it. A few centuries ago, America was colonized by Europeans, and there were important exchanges of slaves, like in 1619, 20 Africans were made exchanged for provisions. Personalities or governments fought to abolish slavery and thank to them today in America this are forbidden. In 1807 for example, The United States Congress banned the importation of slaves. In spite of that, the slavery continued and most of the slaves worked on plantations. We have studies a text about the important key dates and facts about slavery in US and I discover that some people have had an important role in this cause. Harriet Tubman for example, she helps slaves to escape and organized some missions for rescued a lot of peoples. Abraham Lincoln was first republican president of US. He was a hero for this cause, because he wrote the thirteenth amendments that abolished slavery and involuntary servitude. After the death of Lincoln, other amendments have been written for equality and rights of citizens.

Secondly, other large part of American history is the segregation, the segregation was the separation of ethnic group by enforced residence in special area, by separate educational facilities or by others discriminatory means. We have studied “Jim Crow Law” it was laws that constitutes segregation. These laws enforced the separation of black and white in the public places and forbade intermarriages. However, it’s necessary to know that some peoples fought against racial discrimination like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. They were strong supporters of the civil rights. Rosa Park have had a major role in desegregation she became famous because this girl refused to give up her seat to a white male passenger on a bus on 1st December 1955 and then the day of her trial a bus boycott was organized that lasted 381 days with MLK.

To finish, in my opinion, without these personalities, who I quote earlier, the American history will different. These people are heroes because the fought for civil rights and against injustice. This subject interested me a lot because we could learn details of American history and personality that we didn’t know. There are common point between the American today and the America before because today there is always people we can qualify as anti-hero like the Ku Klux Klan in segregation time. Today, we could say Trump is an anti-hero because for him everybody aren’t equal, he's racist.

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bonsoir, ton texte est bon mais il y a quelques fautes que tu dois modifier

First of all, I’m going to define the notions of myths and heroes. For me, myths are stories about humanity, real or not, that talks about some country communities, personalities or places. To continue for my heroes is personalities, famous or anonymous who had a major role in the evolution of the human condition. People who are fighting for some causes. This is what allowed and will still allow writing and changing the history of the world.
In relation to this theme and lessons, the central question is the following: 

How heroes fought to change the history and reducing injustices ?

To begin, I will do the link with slavery and the means put in place to abolish it in the US. Afterward, I speak of segregation and desegregation in US too. And finally I will conclude.
Firstly, slavery was one of the biggest problems in the United States. Many people worked hard to overcome it. A few centuries ago, America was colonized by Europeans, and there were important exchanges of slaves, like in 1619, 20 Africans were made exchanged for provisions. Personalities or governments fought to abolish slavery and then to them today in America these are forbidden. In 1807 for example, The United States Congress banned the importation of slaves. In spite of that, the slavery continued and most of the slaves worked on plantations. We have studied a text about the important key dates and facts about slavery in the US and I discover that some people have had an important role in this cause. Harriet Tubman for example, she helps slaves to escape and organized some missions for rescued a lot of people. Abraham Lincoln was first republican president of US. He was a hero for this cause, because he wrote the thirteenth amendments that abolished slavery and involuntary servitude. After the death of Lincoln, other amendments have been written for equality and rights of citizens. 
Secondly, another large part of American history is the segregation, segregation was the separation of an ethnic group by enforcing residence in special areas, by separate educational facilities or by others discriminatory means. We have studied “Jim Crow Law” it was laws that constitutes segregation. These laws enforced the separation of black and white in the public places and forbade intermarriages. However, it’s necessary to know that some peoples fought against racial discrimination like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. They were strong supporters of the civil rights. Rosa Park has had a major role in desegregation she became famous because this girl refused to give up her seat to a white male passenger on a bus on 1st December 1955 and then the day of her trial a bus boycott was organized that lasted 381 days with MLK.
To finish, in my opinion, without these personalities, who I quote earlier, the American history will differ. These people are heroes because they fought for civil rights and against injustice. This subject interested me a lot because we could learn details of American history and personality that we didn’t know. There are a common point between the American today and the America before because today there is always people we can qualify as anti-hero like the Ku Klux Klan in segregation time. Today, we could say Trump is an anti-hero because for him, everybody aren’t equal, he's racist.