1- superlatif
the fattest // the happiest // the most tired
the most beautiful // the best // the oldest
the worst // the slimmest // the funniest
a) it's the best cake of the restaurant.
b) This maths test was the most difficult test of the year.
c) This is the most expensive car of the year.
d) It was the happiest day of my life.
e) I think it's the worst film of his career.
3- (ce sont des suggestions....ça doit avoir rapport avec une leçon)
a) What time does the sun set in the evening ? ( se couche)
b) The sun rises very early in the morning in summer (se lève)
c) I hate ????? furs ? eating meat ? ..... (c'est cruel envers les animaux... fourrure, manger de la viande .....)
d) ????? est un moyen très écologique pour découvrir l'Alaska
dog sledding -> faire du traineau à chiens ....?? is a very ecological way to discover Alaska.
contraire de
UNACCEPTABLE --> ACCEPTABLE (ou EXCELLENT->dans l'exo suivant?)
comparer .....
1- Lisa is more talkative than Sharon and William
-------- the most talkative (student)
2- Lisa is the least hardworking (student)
-------- the laziest (student)
------- lazier than Sharon and William
--------- less hardworking than Sharon and William
3- Liza is the worst student in maths// the most unacceptable
-------- worse in maths than Sharon and William
4- William is the quietest (student)
------------- quieter than Lisa and Sharon
5- William is the most hardworking (student)
------------- more hardworking than Lisa and Sharon
6- William is the best (student) in maths. (the most excellent)
------------- better in maths than Lisa and Sharon.
pour le dernier exo, je ne savais pas s'il fallait mettre au superlatif, comparatif de supériorité ou infériorité.....
Je pense que c'est au superlatif vu que toute la pages est la-dessus.. du coup j'ai mis en gras. J'ai rajouté "student" pour finir la phrase ....
Je te laisse voir parmi les possibilités...
Bonne journée :)