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Bonjour s'est hyper facile ! En lisant plusieur fois le texte et en essayant tout les mots a cahque trou tu y arrivera voila le texte pour t'aider ! : Jeans are everywhere ! Eveybody wears them ! But before the 1960s, Jeans
Going only working clothes. They starting over a hundred years ago as trousers for the gold miners in California. Thousand of men getting their homes ans families and leaving west to find gold. This was called *The Gold Rush*. Theste men making strong trousers, so Levi Strauss needing jeans for them. He selling the cloth from their tents and wagons to sew the first pairs.
The word 'Jeans' comes from 'Gênes' , the French name for Genoa, a town in Italy, where the cloth first starting form. Some decades later, jeans becoming fashionable everybody coming wearing them.
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